What am I buying?

You are purchasing a technical service manual that is put out by the respective manufacturer.

How do I get it?

All manuals are digital in format. You are downloading a PDF copy of that manual.

How do I view the manual?

Once downloaded, you can view the PDF manual on a PC, table, or phone.

What is the average size of a download / how long will it take?

The average size of a manual is around 60 megabytes. Although, please be advised that the range of size can be anywhere from 10 MB to 500 MB. The time it takes to download your manual depends on both its size and your connection speed. On an average high-speed connection your download will usually complete in under ten minutes.

If for some reason a download fails to complete, will I be able to try again?

Yes, each purchase enables up to 5 download attempts. If you are still not able to download your manual, please use the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the site to let us know.

Do I need a Paypal account to purchase a manual?

No, you do not need a Paypal account to purchase from this website. (See below)

Why am I being brought to the Paypal website when I pay?

We currently use Paypal to process all of our transactions. You are welcome to use either a Credit/Debit card or a Paypal account you may have. Only they will receive and process your card information.

Can I call in my order?

Unfortunately, not at this time.

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